Related Links
Adult Literacy
Cambridge International Dictionary
Dave's ESL Cafe
A very popular site for ESL/EFL students and teachers around the world. Besides great lessons, there are forums for teachers and students.
A very popular site for ESL/EFL students and teachers around the world. Besides great lessons, there are forums for teachers and students.
DO-IT Program
This DO-IT Program site has many resources concerning disabilities, opportunities, internetworking, and technology. There are multiple hyperlinks to people who are pursuing academic and career fields.
This DO-IT Program site has many resources concerning disabilities, opportunities, internetworking, and technology. There are multiple hyperlinks to people who are pursuing academic and career fields.
Dyslexia: The Gift
his site offers the best ways for dyslexic people to learn. There is information and training in methods for mastering learning problems.
his site offers the best ways for dyslexic people to learn. There is information and training in methods for mastering learning problems.
Educational Activities
There are a few sample lessons that are internet based called "How to Write for Everyday Living" and "Descriptive Reading Internet Activities".
There are a few sample lessons that are internet based called "How to Write for Everyday Living" and "Descriptive Reading Internet Activities".
Educators Publishing Service
Links and materials of reading methods for language-based learning differences
Links and materials of reading methods for language-based learning differences
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Resources
ENC content experts chose materials from the ENC Collection to help you make the most of the latest educational technology in the areas of mathematics and science.
ENC content experts chose materials from the ENC Collection to help you make the most of the latest educational technology in the areas of mathematics and science.
ESL Games
This site has a nice collection of many different games for ESL/EFL.
This site has a nice collection of many different games for ESL/EFL.
GED Testing Service
Official Site of the GED Testing Service offers the latest information about the GED plus teaching tip
Official Site of the GED Testing Service offers the latest information about the GED plus teaching tip
LD OnLine: Learning Disabilities Information & Resources
OnLine offers information and ideas about learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. There is a free electronic newsletter with the latest LD information and events.
OnLine offers information and ideas about learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. There is a free electronic newsletter with the latest LD information and events.
Literacy Assistance Center
The Literacy Assistance Center offers web-based lesson plans for ESOL/ABE classes.
The Literacy Assistance Center offers web-based lesson plans for ESOL/ABE classes.
Literacy Volunteers of America
Literacy Volunteers of America offers information on instruction and information for learning disabled students
Literacy Volunteers of America offers information on instruction and information for learning disabled students
National Endowment for the Humanities
This site offers a gateway for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.
This site offers a gateway for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies.
Newspapers Around the World
This site is easy to use in referencing the world's newspapers.
This site is easy to use in referencing the world's newspapers.
The Discovery Channel provides this site for classroom teachers, but tutors and adult educators could adapt it for instructional purposes. Several uses are for working on word parts; prefixes, dipthongs, rhyming words, or contractions. Phonics drills and rhyming can be reinforced. Even numeracy skills can be practiced by using the features number block and math square.
The Discovery Channel provides this site for classroom teachers, but tutors and adult educators could adapt it for instructional purposes. Several uses are for working on word parts; prefixes, dipthongs, rhyming words, or contractions. Phonics drills and rhyming can be reinforced. Even numeracy skills can be practiced by using the features number block and math square.
Teacher Source
Great PBS site where you can find ideas for both children and adult students. Activities fall into a variety of categories, including creative thinking and problem-solving skills, cultural/social diversity appreciation and understanding, dramatic play and creative movement, and language and literacy skills.
Great PBS site where you can find ideas for both children and adult students. Activities fall into a variety of categories, including creative thinking and problem-solving skills, cultural/social diversity appreciation and understanding, dramatic play and creative movement, and language and literacy skills.
The English Companion
This site is written by an English teacher who wrote a book entitled "The English's Teachers Companion" and offers a variety of links to sites.
This site is written by an English teacher who wrote a book entitled "The English's Teachers Companion" and offers a variety of links to sites.
The Linguistic Funland TESL
National ALLD Center offers instruction techniques, disabilities issues, definitions, and assisted technology for adults with learning disabilities.
National ALLD Center offers instruction techniques, disabilities issues, definitions, and assisted technology for adults with learning disabilities.
The New York Times Learning Network
This site is designed for U.S. students in Grades 6-12 but can be used effectively with international students in secondary and post secondary programs.
This site is designed for U.S. students in Grades 6-12 but can be used effectively with international students in secondary and post secondary programs.
This site is designed for U.S. students in Grades 6-12 but can be used effectively with international students in secondary and post secondary programs.
This site in partnership with Education World and the Copernicus Education Gateway has is the super hot list for teachers K - 12. Many lessons can be adapted to the adult population.
This site in partnership with Education World and the Copernicus Education Gateway has is the super hot list for teachers K - 12. Many lessons can be adapted to the adult population.
United States Department of Education, Office of Vocational & Adult Education
This site deals with adult education, correctional research, school-to-work, vocational-technical education and national grants activities.
This site deals with adult education, correctional research, school-to-work, vocational-technical education and national grants activities.
USA Today
This is a daily education guide to the news around the world.
This is a daily education guide to the news around the world.